Friday, June 1, 2007

The A-Rod thing

The rest of MLB is calling A-Rod "bush" for yelling out "mine" on a pop-up while running the bases.

Frankly, I think they are a bunch of whiners, and it was brilliant. He's trying to win the game.

That's "bush" but the hidden-ball trick is ok? Deking a runner at 2b on a fly ball is ok? Who makes up these ridiculous "unwritten" rules of baseball. As Barry Bonds (the only guy I've seen defend A-Rod) said.... "just catch the ball."

I'll buy a beer for the first guy who successfully pulls off this trick during one of our games.


George Hall said...

I agree. Just catch the freaking ball.

The Body said...

No doubt. I loved it. Everyone just loves to hate A-Rod. But, as for that beer, just watch me rounding the bases on pop ups Monday night. Even if there are no or one out, I'm running and yelling "mine." I want that beer!